Tuesday, December 29, 2009

DAy 1

I have started a blog because I am in a rut!! I have so much going on this upcoming year. I want to get serious about my weight. I need to do an official weigh in... but I think as of today I am 180 lb. and 5'7". I will try and do an official weigh in as soon as I get to a scale. I do not own a scale in my home, I don't see the point. I believe that the way you look in your clothes says a lot!! SO I try to use that as my my scale... and right now my scale is fitting pretty tight. I am going to pull out my goal dress and get started on my goal to weigh 150 lb. by march 31, 2009 or fit into my goal dress with room to spare either or, but at least one of the two!! I know this is not the most flattering dress but, I know how I want to look in it sooo ( no belly and ability to button up to the top if so desired)... Lets Go...